Wesley in ACTSion
Wesley in ACTSion is more than just our mission's team, it's also what we believe we are called to do! We are inspired by Acts 20:35:
"In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way, we remember the Lord Jesus’ words: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
With this guiding principle, we live out the second half of our mission statement: "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ and Transform the World."
Just some of the ways we put this into action are the blessing boxes around El Reno, the ALLOT initiative for ERPS teachers, the Bookmobile, and a yearly mission trip to Rio Bravo, Mexico. And many other ways as well!
To get connected with our missions team and how you can be a part of transforming the world, contact us!

Rio Bravo Mission Trip
"Manos Juntas" means Hands Together in Spanish. This remarkable program seeks to reach out to the poor of Rio Bravo, Mexico, with the love of Jesus Christ. Manos Juntas runs a free medical clinic during the week and also builds schools, homes, and community centers. Thousands of lives have been touched and changed because of this amazing ministry.
Wesley has been partnering with Manos Juntas by sending mission work teams to Rio Bravo to build homes for the poorest of the poor.

ALLOT Initiative
Wesley's ALLOT Initiative (A Lot of Love for Our Teachers) is focused on helping EL Reno Public Schools teachers equip their classrooms with the supplies they need to do one of the most important jobs there is: educate the future of El Reno.
Provided free to all ERPS teachers, we have free "shopping" days before school starts and have a storeroom that stays stocked all year. We also take special requests from teachers year-round. We LOVE our teachers and ERPS!

Blessing Boxes
The Blessing Box ministry is our biggest and most important community outreach program. There are currently 15 boxes, located all across El Reno containing non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for those in need. All neighbors are invited to "Take what you need, leave what you can".
We are always needing donations of non-perishable food, hygiene items, and volunteers to help maintain the boxes, so contact us if you want to be involved!

Missionary John N'Day
Wesley In ACTSion is proud to support Methodist Missionary John N’Day, who works in Mozambique, Africa. In the last few years, Missionary N’Day has purchased chickens that are raised to provide eggs so that locals have increased protein in their diet. Additionally, he has taught local residents many agricultural and farming techniques to grow peanuts (again providing protein that is often missing from their diet) as a source of income. Through various fundraising, we provide significant financial support to Missionary N’Day and his amazing efforts. In 2019, we were fortunate enough to have Missionary N’Day and his wife visit Wesley, and we are excited to see them again on their next visit to the United States.

Local Missions
Wesley in ACTSion always looks for opportunities to serve El Reno. We have an
ongoing blanket drive so that we can provide blankets to those in need during periods of below-freezing temperatures (and once we were called upon to supply blankets the night of a deadly tornado). We also collect luggage and backpacks for foster children in DHS custody, so they have something to carry their items in as they move between houses. Annually, we host a clothing drive for Skyline Urban Ministries in Oklahoma City. Wesley in ACTSion has helped residents with yard cleanup, building ramps for residents with health needs, storm cleanup, and numerous other projects. Wesley In ACTSion also provides bottled water to many community events and groups performing service projects around town.

Bun Run
The Bun Run is a sanctioned 5k/1 Mile Fun Run/Walk that coincides with El Reno’s Burger Day. The Bun Run is the largest fundraiser for Wesley in ACTSion and supports the church's local, national, and international mission work. Prizes are awarded to the overall male and female runners and first through third place winners in each age group. The Bun Run prides itself on its racer’s packets which contain an assortment of swag and goodies. Runners also have fun decorating their buns to compete for the Fancy Pants prize. In 2022, Wesley will host the Bun Run for the 10th straight year.